Friday, October 24, 2014

Welcome to the team, Karlie!

This week we have the pleasure of introducing yet another new member of the iWL Team, Karlie Bodine!

Here is a little autobiography:

“My name is Karlie Bodine. I grew up in Cottonwood Heights (less than 4 miles from some of the best ski and snowboard resorts in the world) with my parents and one younger brother. I graduated from Brighton High School in 2012. 

I’m a 19-year-old Honor Roll and Dean’s List student at the University of Utah. I’m studying Psychology and minoring in Sociology-- I’ve always been fascinated by other people and passionate about social and civil rights. After receiving my Honor’s BA in Psychology, I plan on attending S.J. Quinney College of Law at the University of Utah.

Growing up in Utah, it is hard not to develop a love for the outdoors! In my spare time, you can find me climbing, swimming, wakeboarding, backpacking, hiking, fourwheeling, doing yoga or doing just about anything outside! As I mentioned before, I have lived about 4 miles away from what are considered to be some of the best ski resorts in the whole world for my entire life. 

Ironically enough, with my love of the outdoors but my dislike of the snow, I never practiced ski or snowboarding until I was 18 years old. I went skiing at Alta and instantly loved it! I’m sad I missed out on it all those years growing up, but I did start wakeboarding and fourwheeling at a very young age. Most of my early memories involve being at Lake Powell or the Sand Dunes.

My parents have always valued traveling and experiencing other cultures and I consider this is one of the greatest gifts they could give me. I have been to 19 countries- mostly in the Caribbean and Central America. As a result, the ocean is one of my favorite things in the entire world. My favorite place that I have visited so far is La Romana, Dominican Republic. Not only were the people kind and the food delicious, but the ocean and scenery was the most beautiful I’ve ever seen. In the future, I hope to travel even farther and visit as many places as I can! I love experiencing other cultures.

I’m so excited to start my new journey at inWhatLanguage! I’m looking forward to all of the opportunities IWL has for me to grow and learn! I’m happy to be a part of this team.”

Karlie has started by organizing our latest iWL Cares campaign, to which you can also contribute!

“This month we are doing a Coat Drive and looking to collect all the coats we can to give to those in need as these cold fall and winter months are approaching! We are collecting up until October 31st. Please, if you live in Salt Lake City or the neighboring area and you have any old and gently used adult coats laying around, contact me so I can pick them up. Thank you so much!”

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