Thursday, July 3, 2014

inWhatLanguage Cares visits Veterans Home!

It may be summer time, but there are no holidays for good deeds! This month, the inWhatLanguage team went to visit the William E. Christoffersen Salt Lake Veterans Home to enjoy a little quality time with its residents as part of our inWhatLanguage Cares program.

Erin Millet and Veronica Johnson enjoying a meal
in good company!
“Caring for and honoring our nation’s heroes”: this is the motto of the William E. Christoffersen Salt Lake Veterans Home. “It is said that a nation’s gratitude is measured by the way its people honor their defenders,”, it is written in its official website. “To defend the Constitution, serve in harm’s way, and bear the cost of freedom for all is a sacrifice worthy of active gratitude. In everything we do here at the WilliamE. Christoffersen Veterans Nursing Home, we strive to honor and serve our nation’s aging veterans, as they have honored us through their service and sacrifice”.

It is, undoubtedly, a beautiful endeavor, and inWhatLanguage Cares wanted to be part of it. “I am grateful to know that those veterans who have sacrificed so much to service their country do have a place and community where their needs are taken care of,” says Vice President of Operations and Project Management Maurice von Zupthen. “Their sacrifice made it possible for me to come to the U.S. to study, reside and ultimately establish myself here.”

“It was a great experience to share time with them,” says iWL Project Manager Veronica Johnson. “I think they sometimes feel lonely and they like to have people there with them. Some of them even asked me to stay for good,” she remembers with a laugh.

The inWhatLanguage team joined the Veterans during a Cheese and Wine Social event and brought along sherbet and fresh fruit, which they all greatly enjoyed, according to iWL Office Manager Erin Millet. Not only that, they actually managed to make a new, unexpected friend: “The home keeps a 53 year old tortoise in their courtyard that we were able to pet!”, says Erin Millet. “The Veterans are a joy to be around and it was an honor to visit with them.”

Soccer fans Veronica Johnson and Maurice von Zupthen were able to enjoy the last part of the USA vs Belgium match – a game they couldn’t miss!

All in all, an enjoyable experience for everyone, and a day that both the iWL team members as well as Veterans will remember fondly in the years to come. Go, inWhatLanguage Cares!!

Maurice von Zupthen and iWL Sr. Account Executive
Brian Palmer sharing quality time.
Erin Millet, Brian Palmer and Ty Palmer
preparing the goodies!

Brian Palmer mingling with the only 4-legged
resident of the Veteran's home.

Maurice waving at the camera!
Maurice von Zupthen helping out. 

Veronica Johnson and Maurice von Zupthen enjoying
the USA vs Belgium match!

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