Friday, June 6, 2014

Team Riley & iWL Cares: An epic combination for posterity!

Go iWL!
And the day came! As we have announced last week, this Saturday, young Riley Culley’s family had organized a race to raise money to help with the cost of medical expenses after Riley was diagnosed with bone cancer. The campaign turned out to be not only a lot of fun, but also extremely successful!
“I have been struggling for days to find the right words to express my gratitude and appreciation for all of the love, generosity, service, kindness, friendship, inspiration, and support from the most amazing community in the world. We are so blessed. This event was the most amazing thing I have ever experienced!” Young Riley’s mother, Jackey Culley, posted this message in Facebook after the event was over.

Many people answered Culley’s call for help, among whom was, of course, the inWhatLanguage family. As part of one of our iWL Cares initiatives, the members of the core team that were available ran in the race, enjoyed a gorgeous day out and got to meet some amazing people, all the while of course contributing to the fund for young Riley’s treatment.

“It was great! Such an incredible thing for us to be a part of. It was my first 5k and I may have finished last but I finished!” says iWL Office Manager Erin Millet with a big smile.

“Being involved in such a great cause is always such an amazing experience,” adds Natalie Herrera, iWL's Book Keeper. “Knowing that we where a small portion of contributing to the fight in Riley's battle was rewarding and made every step we took even more meaningful. There is something about being around others who want to do good that makes you want to thrive, to be the best person that you can be. It was a great day and we wish Riley the best!”

“It’s always great to be involved in the cause of making someone’s life better, or at least offer some relief,” says Maurice von Zutphen, iWL Vice President of Operations and Project Management. “But in the case where someone is fighting for his life, it is especially rewarding to offer support beyond the financial. The moral dedication and hope that is generated can offer great therapy. I am always impressed with how local communities (neighbors, friends, families, school, student body, rival schools…) respond in such a time of need.”

The iWL team members brought their families along, and they all enjoyed a fabulous day of exercise and fun, taking part also in the activities after the race: for instance, iWL CEO Cody Broderick bid on a University of Utah helmet that was signed by the coaches of the University of Utah and won. A little memento of a magical day for everyone!

We wish young Riley the best of the best, and we are really honored to help him in this time of need!

And now... Picture time!!

Cody reaches the finish line! Congrats!

And there goes Erin! Go team iWL!

From left to right: Natalie Herrera, Cody Broderick, Erin Millet.

Erin Millet, Cody Broderick and Maurice von Zutphen.

From left to right: (Front) Front: Vanessa and Marcus Broderick. (Back) Jackie Cullie,
Brian Bodine, Cody Broderick, Riley Culley, Mark Broderick
with Luke Broderick and Nicki Bodine.

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