Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2014: the year of opportunities for inWhatLanguage!

I can hardly believe it’s been a year since I wrote the “Triskaidekaphobia? No Thanks!” post for this blog.  Back then, shortly after being recently appointed as the new Marketing Manager, I composed my first end-of-the-year article with a summary of what 2012 meant to inWhatLanguage, and a hopeful list of things to come in 2013. Well, now I can happily say with confidence that I didn’t exaggerate one bit. 2013 has been, simply speaking, an awesome year for inWhatLanguage.

For starters, we have tripled our size last year. Step by step, iWL is transforming itself from a promising little translation agency  into a big company with infinite potential. While at first we mainly focused on businesses in the US, now 20% of our clients come from Europe and other parts of the word. And that is a mighty sum, considering that over the last year we have serviced over 1,500 new clients!

The increase in demand has obviously required a new impulse from our staff. In 2013 we have added new members to our core team, and over 500 more linguist from all over the world. We have expanded our capabilities in the medical, technology, IT, software, and eLearning industries, and we enhanced our abilities with voice-over, subtitling, and all other multimedia related tasks.

Our website has also experienced a healthy evolution during the year. We have completed "Our Gold Standard" section on the iWL website. We also have started developing our new interactive client portal, which is a really exciting endeavor. And last, but definitely not least, we have opened a brand new department that will be further developed during the coming year: iWL Academia.

And in order to make all of this well-known and worth it, we have invested heavily into technology and marketing development for the company, with measures like protecting our cool trademark and our company name, logo and tagline or shooting a batch of cool promo videos. Some of our clients have voluntarily sent us absolutely fantastic testimonial videos with their opinions about our services, which at the end of the day is the most honest and flattering type of publicity we can ever get. 

Furthermore, we have improved our Facebook and Twitter pages and gained thousands of new followers, and we have given our Google+ page a noticeable boost.

Lastly, a little journey back in time through the blog pages will also give you a good overview of all the amazing adventures and events iWL has taken part in during the last year. The Rubber Ducky Derby, iWL’s trip to Brazil, our sponsorship of the “Road to Success” project -which helps children learn to read in bilingual schools-, our presence in the DevLearn conference…

Seriously, who ever said that 13 was an unlucky number…?

The road has been long and exciting, and we are definitely thirsty for more. “2014 will be more of the same,” says iWL CEO, Cody Broderick. “I want to double our business this year, add 2-3 more team members, continue giving back to the community, and most importantly, continue creating an awesome culture where people love to work together.”

And, out of experience, I can definitely say that this statement, again, is not an exaggeration. We welcome you 2014! iWL is eager to see what you have in store for us!

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