Friday, March 29, 2013

Legal translation: finding a lifebuoy when the sea gets rough

There are people in this world who are capable of juggling laws and clauses for their own benefits in order to achieve what they want, or in order to avoid worst possible scenarios. Not me, though. I’m ashamed to say that bureaucracy scares me. The last time I got a letter from a lawyer’s office telling me I was unknowingly involved in a court case, I almost had a heart attack. It wasn’t my territory, it wasn’t my cup of tea… And as I was in a foreign country, it wasn’t my language, either.

I can think of few situations more frustrating and overwhelming than trying to cope with the laws in a language you don’t speak. Legal jargon is a language of its own, and even when it’s written in one’s mother tongue, chances are, you are not going to understand it fully. It has this annoying tendency to go around in circles, use fancy words that hide crushing consequences if you don’t realize what they mean, and don't even get me started on fine prints.

The other day I was told an anecdote about a court summons where the main text said something like “you are kindly encouraged to attend the court session”, but the fine print said “if you are not present at the time the trial starts, you will receive a fine of $5,000”. Inviting, isn’t it?

So go figure if you cannot maneuver all of these linguistic traps properly due to a language barrier. Moreover, we are talking about delicate topics, here. You cannot just go to anyone and ask for help. You need professional assistance from someone who not only understands the language, but also understands the abstract world of legal procedures, and most importantly, someone who understands you. Someone to whom you can convey your need of help, and who can reassure you, no matter how dire the situation is.

Pipe dream? Not so much. inWhatLanguage provides first-rate, experienced legal translators that can offer you personalized assistance during these tough times. We pride ourselves on the quality of the translations we deliver to our clients and understand that this cannot be achieved without our talented and meticulous legal translators.

Our teams consists of in-country expert translators who not only understand legal terminology, but also have knowledge of their country's legal system, understand the meaning of the articles being used, and have a strong amount of experience translating legal content. Not only that: they can also explain it to you, in words that you can understand. That way, the feeling of being slowly but surely dragged by the current into the uncharted seas that we call “bureaucracy” can be replaced by a comforting sensation of actually being in control.

Because it is possible. It is easy. You just have to know  whom to call.

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