Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Love for and from Goal Zero!

Joy all around! inWhatLanguage recently received a new testimonial video from one of our regular clients: Goal Zero. We are particularly proud to work with this company, as it is young, ambitious and very committed to the environment.

They think outside the box, they don’t settle with what there already is, but they create new things; they see a need and they go for it, despite the fact that it might look difficult or far-fetched.
And in that respect, we do feel identified with them. We try to push the envelope when it comes to translation services, be it by being closer to the clients, by being up to date on the latest multimedia trends and adapting to all formats or by providing a service that not only is reliable, but also fast and punctual.

All of these qualities are what makes awesome companies like Goal Zero choose us and, best of all, stick with us.

But hey, enough of my musings, let the clients do the talking!

I mean, wow. What else is there to say after that? Thank you so much, Goal Zero, for your kind words. We hope to keep working with you for a better and cleaner future! 

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