Monday, April 20, 2015

Superheroes for a super cause!

Despite what comic books say, a person does not need to fly, turn invisible or produce spider webs to become a superhero. As a matter of fact, everybody has it in him/herself to become a superhero. Real superheroes roam the streets every day, and the most amazing thing, we don’t even notice it.

Last April 11th, The Transplant Buddy Foundation - a non-profit organization for transplant donors and transplant patients- organized the Superhero 5k race to remind us of this. In an effort to "raise funds and awareness for transplant patients and support those superheroes who have selflessly given a gift of life to others”, this event gathered a good amount of people dressed up as superheroes to run 5k in a day full of exercise, good company and lots of fun.

Cody Broderick and Karlie Bodine, to the rescue!
And inWhatLanguage took part in it as part of its latest iWL Cares initiative!

The members of the team that could make it and their families participated in this noble mission “to improve the longevity of transplanted organs, by providing transplant patients with resources to afford post transplant medications and by raising awareness of the financial aspects of solid organ transplant”, as the official Facebook website from the Superhero 5k Fun Run/Walk says.

That, plus the chance to dress up as their favorite Superheroes, was too enticing a chance for the iWL members to pass on!

iWL CEO Cody Broderick dressed up as the Hulk, while his wife Vanessa dressed up as The Black Widow and their two children, Luke and Marcus, wore Iron Man and Thor costumes respectively. Karlie Bodine, organizer of iWL Cares campaign and who once again came up with the idea for this month, dressed up as Wonder Woman. Don’t they all look simply fabulous?

Well, we are not the only ones to think so, actually. There were prizes for the Best Costumes among the participants. And guess who won the “Best Costume” prize for children? Little Marcus!

“We were all very happy to help out for such a great cause,” says Karlie Bodine with a big smile. “And it was even better that we got to dress up as superheroes!”

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