Friday, January 23, 2015

iWL brings a helping hand to The Sharing Place!

The iWL team with Jill Macfarlane,
Development Director at The Sharing Place.
2015: New year, new opportunities to give back to the community via our monthly initiatives from inWhatLanguage Cares!

This January, we have started the year with a bang by helping The Sharing Place, an organization that hosts fourteen age-appropriate grief support groups for children ages 3-18 and their parents twice monthly. For nearly 2 decades, The Sharing Place has been fulfilling its mission to "provide a safe and caring environment for grieving children, teens, and their families to share their feelings while healing themselves,” as one can read in its official website.

Maurice van Zutphen,
hard at work!

And inWhatLanguage Cares has not missed the chance to provide them with a little help so that they can continue with this wonderful task for many years to come in the best conditions possible.

The Sharing Place is a non-profit organization that receives no state funding and is ran mostly by volunteers, so they can and gladly accepts any help they can get, particularly with maintaining the building.

And this has been iWL’s mission for this month! Some members of the core team went to the Sharing Place last week to install cupboards, hooks, storage units, and whatever was needed.

Abel Atwater, helping with
iWL Cares for the first time!
“I fell in love with The Sharing Place,” comments iWL Cares organizer Karlie Bodine. “The house is amazing and the staff is wonderful, I am so happy we got to help them and the children and their families that go there.”

 “We helped redo a room that they call their ‘soft room’,” Karlie explains. “This room serves as a dress up and play area for toddlers because reenactment and pretend play is a huge part of the grieving process for young children, as Jill Macfarlane, the Development Director at The Sharing Place told us. We redid this room by installing hooks for all their costumes and we bought and put together a set to make a vanity for their closet for more pretend play. We also bought storage units for this room and the bathroom to help make things nice and organized for their staff. Lastly, we installed wires along the walls of the Teen Room for them to hang their art. Art is another way of grieving as it is one of the biggest forms of expression!”

This is the room that the iWL team helped build! Not bad, huh?
For Abel Atwater, iWL’s newest team member, this was his first iWL Cares experience, and he enjoyed a lot. For Atwater, the iWL Cares initiatives have actually had a lot to do with his wish to work at inWhatLanguage: “This program is one of the things that attracted me to inWhatLanguage in the first place, the opportunity to serve, make a difference and give back.”

All in all, this particular initiative has been extremely especial, according to Karlie Bodine. Not only it is the first of the New Year, and it has involved one of our newest team members for the first time, but it has also given iWL the opportunity to improve children’s lives. “Many of us at inWhatLanguage have a soft spot for children so our team was delighted to help in any way we can,” smiles Karlie. “We know our service will benefit many children for years to come!”

Friday, January 16, 2015

iWL Case Studies: showing what we are worth

Last week, we introduced you to the latest addition to the iWL team: Project Manager Abel Atwater. It was the first of the many changes that we can expect this year at inWhatLanguage: we are growing and aiming high, and that requires movement and a lot of fast development!

That also applies to our website. Yes, it was not that long ago that we completely revamped the website to give it a more user-friendly interface and a cleaner look. But that is not enough: we want to really, REALLY show what we are capable of and to prove to our potential clients that we are their best option when it comes to translation services.

For that, a whole new website structure is in order. A structure that includes, among other things, real case studies based on projects that we have worked on in the past.

In the case of inWhatLanguage, writing case studies hardly need any “creative skills”: we have had such amazing clients and such interesting projects in the past that just describing it all a little bit makes up for quite an impressive portfolio. Some notorious cases are FIFA, Dartmouth or ZAGG, whose feedback you can easily read in our main site any time. But there are definitely many more clients that deserve a special mention.

We have worked with Harvard University, one of the most prestigious institutions in the world. Established in 1636, this private Ivy League research university in Cambridge, Massachusetts, has centuries of history, as well as an enormous influence over the global business world. And we have been part of its activities in its Business School and Media Department, translating content in 5 different languages.

We have worked with Sunnylands, an estate currently run by the not-for-profit organization The Annenberg Foundation Trust, where the world’s most powerful leaders and CEOs go to spend time together and talk about business. They needed their website translated to Chinese and Spanish. Guess whom they asked for help? Us!

We have also worked with the hotel management company Montage. With some of the best hotel resorts in the world, Montage was definitely a great opportunity for inWhatLanguage –and they actually came to us after recognizing our good work with Sunnylands. They needed their website translated to Asian languages, and we were very excited to work with them!

Last example of amazing companies that we have worked with is Megadyne, an electrosurgical products company was founded in 1985. Megadyne is huge, and definitely a great star mark on iWL’s portfolio – not only due to its size, but also due to the nature of the translation project we worked on with them. They needed marketing material and product information sheets (medical product information sheets, that is) translated to 18 languages.

A real challenge for those who lack experience, but not for inWhatLanguage: medical translation? Bring it on, we say! Our linguists have the subject-matter expertise required to tackle this and any other medical translation project whenever it may be needed.

Stay tuned to read the complete case studies soon!

Friday, January 9, 2015

First recruitment of the year: Welcome, Abel Atwater!

In our previous post we said that 2015 would be a year full of changes and new people at inWhatLanguage. Well, it’s been 9 days since 2015 began, and here is the first testament to the truth of that statement!

This week we get the chance to meet the newest member of the iWL team: Abel Atwater, Project Manager for inWhatLanguage since the start of the year! Here is a little autobiography to get to know him better:

Abel Atwater surrounded by his family!
My name is Abel Atwater. I grew up in Wyoming and Utah for the first part of my childhood. My family moved to Maine when I was eleven, and that’s where I went to middle school and high school. I graduated from Penquis Valley High School in 1999.

I went on a two-year Spanish speaking mission for the LDS church from 2000 to 2002 in Salt Lake City. That’s how I ended up back out here. I fell in love with the Latin American people, their language and culture on my mission and decided to study Spanish in college.

Meanwhile, I joined the US Army Reserves in 2003, and I was deployed to Afghanistan from 2007 to 2008. Upon my return, I continued my studies and earned by BA in Spanish from BYU in 2009. Since then I have been working as a translator and interpreter continually both for the LDS church as a volunteer and professionally.

Since my mission, I have been totally enveloped by the Spanish language and Latin culture. My wife is from Veracruz, Mexico, and we speak Spanish at home. I’ve never gone to church in English since I finished my mission, and now I’m the president of a Spanish-speaking congregation. Many have told me that they don’t even think of me as a “gringo”, but as one of them.

I’m 33 years old and have been married to my beautiful wife Lucelly for ten years. We have four wonderful children, Abel, Naomi, Genesis and Michael, ages 1 – 8. My all-time favorite pastime is just to be with my family, eating, playing, going out on the town, learning, going to church and praying together. My personal hobbies are singing and writing. I am actually writing a dystopian novel right now.

I am so excited and grateful for the opportunity and blessing to work at inWhatLanguage. I’m so looking forward to all the opportunities I’ll have to learn and grow, as well as to make my own contribution to the success of the team.

Welcome to the team, Abel! We are definitely excited to have you with us, too :D

Monday, January 5, 2015

Welcome to 2015, the year of inWhatLanguage!

Happy New Year!! We wish you the best of luck, happiness, success and health for this year 2015.

At inWhatLanguage, we not only celebrate the start of the New Year, but also the possibilities that it brings for the company! 2015 is undoubtedly one exciting year for all of us: lots of changes, lots of progress, lots of potential!

2014 will be certainly hard to surpass, though: it was really a great year for iWL. Here are some highlights:

We have grown by almost 150%.
We have brought on some amazing new professionals full-time to the core team
We have worked with 500 new clients.
We have tripled our translator database.
We have finished amazing projects for companies such as FIFA, Harvard, ZAGG, and many others.
We have certainly deepened our technical abilities.
We have created the wonderful iWL Cares program, with which we have accomplished our dream of giving back to the community with the fruit of our work.
We have traveled abroad to many beautiful places such as Mexico and Brazil and expanded our business network.
And we have also expanded our own cozy office space!

But hard to surpass does not mean impossible! With all of these experiences, our path now is clear: to do more, better and bigger!

“During the course of 2014 we also did a heavy amount of planning in 2014 to lay the foundation for a big year of building in 2015,” iWL CEO Cody Broderick points out. 

Wanna know what is coming in 2015 for inWhatLanguage?

iWL “Unify” - Our own proprietary, cloud-based translation management system!
New website in Q1 - Revamped to include our new technology, 20+ case studies, etc.
Additional software development and future models to automate and simplify translation process for iWL clients.
20+ expos and conferences.
New team members.
Further expansion of office space.
Shooting nerve guns, barbeques, amusement parks, parties, exciting trips...
More iWL Cares, with better and more creative ways of giving back.
Some people feel down after the Christmas holidays, having to go back to their routine job and doing the same old thing... But not us! With so many awesome new things on the horizon, we couldn’t be more excited and ready to give it our all and continue moving ever forwards.

“I’m stoked for 2015 and beyond!” says Cody Broderick, and he certainly speaks on behalf of the entire team.