Friday, September 12, 2014

Meet Lydia Aranda, iWL’s team member in Europe!

Hello there again!

This is not by any means my first post on this blog; in fact, 99% of the posts here have been written by me. One of the first ones, actually, was my very own introduction to the company. Back then, I had been already a Spanish translator for inWhatLanguage for a while, and had also been recently appointed as the newest Marketing and Social Media Manager.

Why, then, three years later, does my face appear here again? Well, I am extremely happy to announce that I am now one step further into the iWL team core. I recently moved to Dublin, Ireland, to work for inWhatLanguage not just as a Social Media Manager anymore, but also as a Content Writer for the new website, and as a Project Manager.

So once again, let me write a little bit about myself.

I was born in Spain almost 30 years ago, and have never really gotten out of my motherland until my third year of college. I studied Journalism, and I thought my life was pretty much as good as it could get back then. That was, until I traveled abroad for the first time.

I spent a summer in England working as an intern for an English Academy (ironic, I know), and it was a real eye-opener. Not only because I got to see so many new things and gather once-in-a-lifetime experiences that would change me forever, but also because I got to meet my future husband. Who lived in Germany. And for whom I’d move two years later to Germany.

Around that time, I started freelancing for iWL as a translator, audio and video editor. The company was just starting, back then, and thanks to that I got to work directly with the CEO, Cody Broderick. We got a very good rapport right from the start.

As years passed by, two things started to develop: on the one hand, I started getting an urge to move from Germany and seek new adventures in another country - namely, Ireland, a country I fell in love with since the first time I visited on vacation three years ago. On the other hand, iWL grew and Cody started wondering how he could go about opening a branch in Europe.

The good rapport was still there, and as we got to work more closely with the passing of the years, Cody asked me to be the person to do it. And, well… Anyone can guess what my answer was!

So here I am now, in Dublin, trying to start a new life, and working with a company I love, trying to help it grow even further on this side of the Atlantic. Life is just fantastic sometimes, isn’t it? ;)

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