Best-in-class translation agency inWhatLanguage returns for a second year running to the E-Learning Conference DevLearn! After an exceedingly positive experience last year, the online-based translation company is thirsty for more.
the great E-Learning conference and expo that takes place every year in Las
Vegas, will open its doors once again at the end of October. And once again,
publicly acclaimed translation agency inWhatLanguage will have a booth in place
to provide attendees and visitors with information and showcase the wide range
of services and offers the company is famous for, and give them a taste of the“inWhatLanguage Experience”.
“This is
iWL's second time going to DevLearn,” inWhatLanguage CEO Cody Broderick says. “We
attended last year at the Aria and had a great time exhibiting. We met many new
clients and forged great relationships with some of the nation's top learning
and training development organizations. It's no wonder we're back!”
DevLearn is
a unique opportunity for inWhatLanguage to be around the best in the eLearning
and training industry. As a company greatly devoted to the industry of
E-Learning, attending DevLearn allows its members to hear and see the latest
trends and technologies in the industry, gather valuable knowledge and
experience, and of course, get a chance to meet fascinating new contacts. “It is
also the perfect chance for us to let everyone know that we provide the best
translation services, prices and quality around,” adds Broderick. “With over 30
years of experience in the translation industry, we have a proven model for
multilingual course development and look forward to discussing collaboration
opportunities with many of the organizations at DevLearn.”
iWL team members Ty Palmer and Cody Broderick at DevLearn 2013. |
inWhatLanguage, the industry of E-Learning is among the most important ones and
definitely a top priority for the company’s business
focus. As the world gets smaller and more globalized, the need for localized
learning software grows exponentially, and so does the demand for qualified,
technical-savvy translators ready to do the job. And inWhatLanguage is up to
the task, says Cody Broderick.
booth number is 532, right in the middle of the action!” informs Broderick. “We
will have some sweet swag to hand out, giveaways of some awesome electronics,
but best of all, we will have three awesome iWL team members with over 30 years
of combined experience ready to talk with you and tell you why we really are
the best at what we do!”