Friday, August 22, 2014

inWhatLanguage launches a brand new website!

In the interest of simplicity and better interaction with our team members, inWhatLanguage has revamped its whole website. Now it is faster, more efficient and easier to navigate – and results show that the effort was not in vain!

Cody Broderick, iWL CEO
inWhatLanguage is a young and dynamic company, and as such, it does enjoy a good makeover every now and then! This summer, the company has upgraded its entire website, as you will soon notice if you go to its URL, It is simple, clear and fun to read – really!

“Our newwebsite is built for speed and for efficiency for our potential clients,” explains inWhatLanguage CEO Cody Broderick. “Our previous website was designed well, it was very pretty, but it didn’t help our clients do what they needed to do quickly, it wasn’t intuitive enough.”

Reports from Google Analytics showed that users would hardly navigate through iWL’s previous website: they would often get distracted, or confused, and just leave without exploring its full potential. “We want people to see that now the site is very easy to navigate. We want them to engage with us, to request information whenever they want,” iWL CEO adds.

Simple and efficient: our new website!
Hence, one of the most powerful new tools added to the new website is: instant chat. From now on, users and potential clients that have questions don’t need to look for the answers by themselves: they can just easily write them in our chat box and receive an instant reply from one of our team members.

So far, results have been extremely positive, according to Cody Broderick: “We only have around twenty days worth of accumulated data, but we can already see that people stay on the site three times longer, that we are getting more quote requests”. However, this is not even close to iWL’s real aspirations for the new site: “We want to add a lot of more content about the services that we provide –there are so many services that we provide that are not even listed on the website!” Cody smiles. “Also we plan to attach case studies, screenshots, more testimonials, samples of our work and URLs of sites we have translated. We want to let our clients know that we truly are the experts in accurate, high-quality translation and localization services.”

The latest inWhatLanguage Cares initiative: the iWL team visited
"Caramelito", an 18-month-old girl with heart and breathing problems,
and brought with them a trolley-full of goodies to help her family.
“We love languages, and we love people”, says iWL’s new website - and with the new design, this statement rings truer than ever. Not only does it make communication between users and iWL employees much easier, but it also brings a very special part of iWL into the spotlight: inWhatLanguage Cares. The translation agency’s program aimed at helping people in need through different monthly campaigns has been gaining size and importance, and now it is time to give it its proper place on the new website, says Broderick.

“iWL Cares is a big part of our culture. It is pretty much the reason why we want the company to grow: in order to push these philanthropic ideas further. For now, the project has been active for only four months, but it is going to get bigger. We are going to raise more awareness and organize more and larger events. We will be talking about it more on our blog and our website, where we will be showcasing a new initiative every month. And we will also show this commitment in our brand, because we are not only a translation services company. We offer awesome translation services, yes, but we are also deeply engaged in making people’s lives better.”

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