Friday, October 4, 2013

inWhatLanguage goes to Brazil!

For those of us who knew inWhatLanguage when it was still a tiny new company trying to find a place in the competitive world of translation services, it is truly amazing to see how the agency has grown – in size, in reach, and in reputation.

This is, of course, thanks to the collective effort of the amazing iWL team. Each and every member of the iWL family does his/her bit to turn the company into one of the best, most reliable translation agencies one can find out there.

There is, though, a factor of chance, as well. Or a factor of chance-taking, perhaps. Great opportunities don’t come in huge numbers, and that makes it all the more important to realize when one comes your way. Such is the case of iWL’s latest adventure: a visit to the wonderful country of Brazil.

iWL CEO Cody Broderick didn’t hesitate when he was offered the chance to go there on a trade mission with the Utah Governor’s Office of Economic Development to promote Utah, along with approximately 30 more people from different industries of the state. Not only was it a great opportunity to discover the wonders that this paradisiacal country has to offer, but also “to create new relationships, explore business opportunities, help represent the state, and most importantly, explore and open new business development ideas for iWL,” Broderick states.

In the six days that iWL CEO was in Brazil (September 22nd – 28th), he got to visit Sao Paulo, Campinas, Curitiba, Londrina, and Rio de Janeiro. In each of these cities, he met with government officials, and discussed ways in which they couldn collaborate for business opportunities. “These discussions included every sector I can think of: gas and oil, finance, energy, telecom, agriculture, retail, services, etcetera,” Broderick explains. “After these talks, we attended dinner and networking events in the evenings."

“Business ideas and collaborations were definitely flowing!” Cody Broderick adds. “It helped to mention that we work with IBM, Harvard, MIT, and other reputable organizations that already have a presence in Brazil.”

That, and the fact that Broderick speaks fluent Brazilian Portuguese. In the true spirit of a professional translation agency, he got to speak with the locals in their own language, achieving a degree of closeness befitting of the Hard at work!representative of inWhatLanguage. Sure enough, though, not everything was business-related: “The people, weather, food, and cities were all wonderful!” Broderick stresses emphatically.

“I am grateful for the relationships I created with the other Utah delegation members and I’m confident that we will have a lot of business that will come from this adventure,” he concludes. “It truly was a trip of a lifetime!”

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