Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Rush translation? Relax - we are there for you!

The world spins fast, and sometimes we all feel the need to just slow down for a minute and relax, watch time go by while staying on auto-pilot. Unfortunately, chances to do this are few and far between, especially if you are responsible for a business and want to make it global. You need to increase production, you need a good marketing campaign, but above all, you need to be able to communicate all this in an understandable, timely fashion. That means having a trustworthy language agency that can provide quality results. And if it allows you to enjoy those little moments of time for yourself, because when they say they will deliver the service, they actually DO, with no one having to go after them, reminding them of their deadline and how vital it is to have the translation done in time… That is the agency you should settle for, a real keeper.

You can say a lot about a translation agency by the accuracy of its deadlines. Especially when you request a rush translation. Some agencies can provide good translations. Others can provide fast translations. But very few can combine these two services successfully. A good translation definitely needs some time. It requires thinking, consulting dictionaries and other sources, taking the best out of a translator and a writer, and it usually also needs a good amount of proofreading to make it perfect.
Within this time frame, though, there are ways to make the most out of a limited amount of time. 

Unless we are talking about a very brief instructions manual or a series of sentences that can be read separately and have meanings of their own, a translator can save time by first reading the whole text in order to comprehend core of its message. Once the basic is understood, the rest comes easily. This also helps not to make the translation too “literal”, which could sometimes be counterproductive: some things are better said with other words in other languages, or maybe with less embellishments and a more direct approach. Remember that the whole point of a translation is to make yourself understood.

Even though it can seem like a paradox, it is good to take breaks in the middle of a translation, no matter how rushed it is. Translating non-stop for a long time can be extremely taxing, and a lack of concentration and/or motivation is not going to do any good to the resulting text. A 15-minute break every hour to have a coffee, a short walk or just to look out the window can let your eyes rest and clear your mind a bit. And that will make the rest of the translation process go way faster.

There are other ways to accelerate a translation, but they generally depend on the person and on the languages, both the one being translated from and the one being translated to. The know-how generally comes with experience, and that is something that inWhatLanguage translators come with by default.

InWhatLanguage’s fast translation services are the best in the industry. When time is of the essence, our global infrastructure network and highly-efficient project managers, and lead translators allow our team to immediately respond to our clients’ needs. Combine that with our well-organized operating systems and our global follow-the- sun-model, and you have a translation partner that you can count on 24/7 to provide best results ahead of schedule.

On average, inWhatLanguage is twice as fast as the other translation companies. If you are in a rush to have something translated then HURRY and call us! We will be happy to help!

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